Monday, May 24, 2010


Ahhh, Spring! Love it! Love all the green popping up everywhere, of course out here there is green yearround. But gotta love all the colors and the flowers. We've had some very nice weather, warmer than average, but then we've also had some colder than average weather. I just take the days as they come and I'm learning to wear or bring layers cuz you never know how it will be in a couple hours!

I took this picture crossing the bridge between Seattle and Mercer Island.  Mt. Rainer was showing it's pretty head that day! A little bit of cloud cover just makes her all the more interesting!
We've been having a good spring. I went to a ladies retreat in April with the covenant church where I've been attending bible study. It was a blast and I LOVE all those wonderful gals who have just scooped me up and become my friends!  I miss then now that I'm working and can't go to the bible study!

Scrapbooking with Joanne
Me and Yukon after my first trail ride in at least 25 yrs.

My awesome roomates that weekend!
The best carpool I've everr been in!
We also broke down and got a new TV!!! The one we had was over 20 yrs old but still worked good.  But this one is soooo much nicer!

We've been doing a lot of biking since we are so close to many great bike trails. The island we live on has a road that goes around the perimeter. From our apartment all the way around is about 14 miles which we can do in one hour. It's a nice ride with some good hills, both up and down!  I took this picture before we went out one day.  We've been having trouble with our battery charger so that's why I don't have a lot of pictures to share of any of the rides. 

We also went to the UDistrict Streetfair and hung out with Monika for a couple hours. We ate a little fair food and then took the bus back home.  I didn't get any great shots there but here's a few.
I know we haven't been doing tons of outdoor stuff like we were used to but we are both working pretty much full time right now. I started a job at University of Washington Medical Center and I am loving it so much. Plus, now the weather is starting to get better and better so I'm sure you'll start seeing hiking pictures soon. Hang on!! :-) 
Thanks for visiting!