Thursday, October 20, 2011

Trip to Germany

Well we have just returned from a trip to Germany. We are slowly recovering from the jet lag, some colds and just getting used to being home again. We had a splendid time visiting with Artur, Ulla, and the rest of the family. We are really glad we were able to go before Dain got older. We also were able to do a little sight seeing in the area. Bavaria is just so beautiful. We had some great views of the Alps and the rolling farms fields where we were staying. Dain has many firsts on this trip. First plane ride (he did great!!). First shiner (hit it on the crib, not too colorful just swollen). Tried tomato, strawberry adn carrots for the first time and liked all of them. 3rd tooth came through (ok, not a first but close enough!). First time seeing snow fall, big huge fluffy flakes and he just stared and stared!! Anyway, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. I know that's why you're here anyway!  PS still haven't firgure out why some picture load sideways, you'll just have to turn your head. 

Dain's first airplane ride!

Lunch the first day in Germany with Artur and Ulla

Lunch at a wonderful Bavarian Gasthus

Tonya, Dain and Artur

Lunch with family

Erik, Dain and Artur

Tonya and Dain at Weiskirche (White Church)

Loving his first tomato, much to his mommy's surprise (she does not like raw tomatos)

See Dain's first shiner (left eye) just a little swollen. 

Ulla, Tonya and Dain in Landsberg

Enjoying lunch outside on a nice fall day

Happy in the sun

Mmmmm, ice cream

Ulla and Tonya with hyperative Dain

Dain's new Leiderhosen

We made it home!!