Friday, January 13, 2012

10 mos and Christmas

Well our little guy is still growing! Dain is such a great kid. We can't believe that Dain is already 10 mos old!! Before we know it he'll be 1 yr!  He is growing fast and learning a lot these days.  He started waving "bye-bye" when we were in MN. He gives kisses (sometimes).  He loves to play copy cat ghames (see video with Tara, so cute!) He has started to stand without hanging onto anything, for about a second or two.  He's finally become an eating champ although he took a solid food strike when he was sick, can't blame him!  He still loves playing peek-a-boo and also being chased by Mommy or Daddy and then getting "tackled".  He's also turning into quite the climber, he loves Erik's parents stairs and would go up then several times a day when we were there.  Now that we're back home in our one level apt he is tring to find things to climb suck as his chair up onto the couch or onto the side table, the red chair, the desk! You get the picture! I have not gotten a picture of this since I am usually running over to make sure he doesn't fall.  I do like to cheer him on and be his spotter since he's just exploring like any kid should.   Oh his other most favorite thing to do is pull as many CDs from the rack as fast as he can esp. when we are trying to put them away. So I usually have to leave the pile of CDs until he's sleeping or he races over to pull out more and I'm telling you he can pull them out faster than we can put them back!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!!

Playing peek-a-boo

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa C at the airport

Thanks for the old cell phone Grandpa. I love it!

Auntie Tara with her favorite elf.

Nice to meet you, Uncle John! (first time they met)

Merry Christmas!
Come play with me Grandpa!

Thanks for the Legos John and Erin.

The Carmean Family.

Playing piano with Grandma P.

The Peters Family

Dain and Grandpa P. or Opa.

I love the catepillar Grandpa C made for me.

Practicing waving with Grandma C.

Sleeping on Mamma while I'm sick.

Back home and doing what I love!
Hope you enjoyed!! until next time........