Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dain's first visit to a zoo!

Yesterday we decided to take Dain to one of the three "local" zoos in our area. It was cloudy and overcast with chance of rain but hey, we live in the PNW now so we can handle rain anytime! We went to the smallest and closest zoo to us, Cougar Mountain Zoo. We were able to see all of the animals fairly close up. And since it was a nice small zoo Dain walked most of it with us. It wasn't very busy either so we didn't have to worry about crowds. All in all we had a great time and the rain stayed away until we got back home! Enjoy the photos!
And sorry don't know that I'll ever figure out why the photos are always sideways, guess I'll have to change blog systems at some point!

Here we are!

Look at the mountain lion/puma/cougar!!! He's about 1 yr old and is there with his brother and sister.

They had four tigers!! Two white ones, one light orange and one orange and black.

Kisses for the kangaroo!!

Look at that Dad! (he was pointing at a water fountain)

Here, Bambi!!

Hey boys, look at the camera!! Oh wait look at the bird!!
Until our next adventure........

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our life to date

Well, we have been away for a while from the blog world. It's really hard to be onthe computer with a toddler in the house! Did you know he demands my attention most of the time? And there are oh, so many things to do during his naps! So let's catch you up a little. Or rather we'll jump to where we are today. Dain is now 15 mos old! Time sure flies (except at two am when your baby has a fever and just wants you to hold him all night long!) (that hasn't happened for a while though!) He was checked out and given a good health report by the pediatrician today. He even did really great with his shots, a few tears but they dried up very quickly. He is now 25 lbs. and 32 1/2 inches tall, that's running in the 85th % for height and 65th% for weight. So he's no runt! and boy have his blonde curls been growing, and growing, and growing. So much so that I trimmed his bangs and am going to trim up the sides soon. I have to leave the tight ringlets in the back, they're just too cute to part with yet!
So the end of winter and spring we have done some wonderful things. The highlight of which was a trip back to MN for Uncle John's wedding in April. We had a blast over the wedding weekend and Dain loved playing with all his grandparents. The weather was esp. good the first part of the trip so Dain was outside the whole time. (he definately takes after his daddy in the love of all things outside!) We also got to visit with some friends while in town which was a huge blessing!
In our daily/weekly routine we try to get out to one of the local parks (we have 4 great parks within a 10 min walk of us!!) at least a couple times a week if not every day when the weather cooperates. We also have been taking Dain with us on our weekly hiking adventures with a group from our church. Lately the hikes have gotten longer and more challenging, which, we are up for except that it would go way past Dain's bedtime! We push him a little later as it is so was usually just shorten the route to a 2 hr time frame and Dain does great in the carrier as long as we bring him a snack for the journey. Also, we have recently been able to enjoy the local beach (again within walking distance) and Dain (and Daddy) absolutely love it! Dain loves to knock down all the sandcastles and Erik just keeps putting them back up. dain also likes you to dig him a little "pool" and fill it with water. You'll see him filling the pool in the video.

Another fun thing he likes to do lately is give hugs and he tackles when he hugs. He especially loves to tackle hug the cats and his friend, Asher. In fact, he's getting so good at it he's going to take out a patent so no one can copy him! Ha!
We are looking forward to summer and all the adventure it brings! Can't wait for Tonya's parents to come in August. If you'd like to drop by for a visit please feel free!
Enjoy the pics of the last couple months and the video.

Checking out the view from the deck. He likes the glass railings!

I love my Daddy's sunglasses!

All dressed up for the wedding!

Walking with my Grandpa.


Hiking with Daddy. I must use his hiking poles now!

Walking on the trail with Momma.

Daddy and Me.

A family of hikers.

Am I cute or what?

I am perfecting my tackle hug. Watch for the patent in the future.

I love playing with my Daddy at the beach and I love destroying sand castles!

There's another sand castle to get!

Contemplating life and curls.
Here's a video of Dain playing with Daddy at the beach. Not very exciting but thought some of you may like to see it.

Whew, glad we got you caught up! Until next time!