Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mt. Si, Golden Gardens and Rainbows

Hello to all our dear family and friends that take time to check in on us and the blog every once in a while. Hope you all are enjoying some warmer weather now that Spring has sprung and summer is well on it's way!

Seattle has been wet, rainy and cooler than normal this past month and we've been longing for some good weather to go on a hike. We finally got our wish last weekend with sun and high 60's-70's. It was gorgeous and we decided to tackle Mount Si (pronounced like sigh). This is one of the busiest, most popular hikes in the area. It's no wonder with the great view you get from the top, you'll see the view soon. It is not the easiest hike, though, and we were surprised at the many different people who were hiking all the way to the top. It is an 8 mile round trip hike and you gain 3150 ft in elevation. We took about 2 hrs to get to the top and only about 1hr on the way back down. Here are some of the best pictures from the day.

View of the surrounding mountains from about 2/3rds of the way up. 99% of the hike is in the woods until you pop out on top

Mt Rainer in all it's glory! Isn't she beautiful?!?!

Views to the west. The thin white line is the snow capped Olympic Mountains on the Olympic penninsula. Seattle and Bellevue are somewhere in the haze.

Me and Rainer, oh and all the other people at the top. (you can see them hanging out the the rocky outcropping behind me.)

Erik on the trail. Do you like the nice lush vegitation? That's from all the rain!

The next day we drove our car into Seattle near Lake Union. Then we rode our bikes out to Golden Gardens Beach via the Burke Gilman Trail. It was a great day for a ride, not too hot and nice and sunny. It was about 13.5 mi round trip. A good way to get out and loosen up the legs after the hike/climb the day before! Here's the map of our route if your interested: click here.

Two unlikely beach bums!

Views from our little spot of paradise.

View of Lake Union and the Aurora Bridge from the Freemont Bridge.

Silly me with the Fremont bridge behind me. We just missed getting a picture of it raised for a boat to go through.

Overall a great weekend. Then it rained again.... but what comes after rain? You guessed it.....RAINBOWS!! We saw this FULL rainbow (sorry don't have a wide angle on our camera to take a pic) the other night right from our deck. Do you see the little bit of a double rainbow?

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