Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Summer/Fall 2010 recap

Hi Folks,
I know, I know!! It's been way to long. I am sorry but I just didn't have the motivation to post. Not sure why, maybe it has to do with being pregnant and my mind being elsewhere! Who knows. Well, I thought I would put up a post or two to recap the past several months. They were good ones.
In August we did a little hiking and travelling back to MN.
We hiked Rachel Lake. Didn't get any great pics of the lake because some clouds blew in and sort of obscured it. But it was a great hike over all. About 7 miles, 4+which was flat and then a mile of straight up, and mile of straight down!  Here's one pic. of me hanging out resting by a small waterfall.
Then we were both in MN for a while. I had the camera. I think I'll make a second blog post about that trip. When we returned to Seattle we hiked up to Iron Mtn. Totally reminded us of hiking in MT. It was on the East side of the cascades so it was drier and the vegitation was similar to MT. Again, not the best pictures that day. Here's me at the pass we hiked to.
Then over Labor Day weekend my parents came out to visit up. It was really fun to have them in our new city and show them around. We got to hang out with Aunt Kay and see some really cool places. The first evening they were here we took them to the Museum of Flight, a MUST if you are visiting. Very fun place. Here's a couple shots from our visit there.
Then the next day Aunt Kay picked us up, except Erik since he was at work, and we went to Tacoma to the Museum of Glass.  We all loved the "Hot Shop" the best. That is their actual glass making studio. Dad and I sat in there the longest, it was really fun watching them because the pieces they were making were so big!
Under the Glass Bridge

Guys in the Hot Shop
Of, course we took a trip to Pike Place Market, no pictures from that day for some reason... But I think they had fun while they were here!
Then in Sept we went on our second camping trip of the year! We hopped a ferry and went over to Olympic Penninsula.  Monika came with us and we had a great time. Did a little hiking, checked out Dungeness Spit, a long sanddune that sticks out into the San Juan Straight, and tried to dodge a little rain. It was great to be out in the woods again! See next post for pics from here. blooger isn't cooperating very well today........
Finally in Oct I took a trip to see Tara in Austin. Check for those trip details in an upcoming post....

Well, Hope you all are doing well. Watch for the new posts soon!

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