Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lake Wenatchee skiing

Well, this post is late but I have to post it because it was such a fun weekend.

In Feb over President's Day weekend we took Dain over the mountains and through the woods to Lake Wenatchee and Leavenworth we went. We stayed at a wonderful little resort Beaver Valley Lodge while we were there.  Highly recommend it if you ever visit the area.   We had a really good weekend for cross country skiing!  W got some snow but also had clear days for good skiing. I hadn't been skiing in 2 winters so it was really good to go! Erik carried Dain on his back and Dain loved it!! He did so well. But he loves to be outside, gee I wonder why? ;-)  We bundled him up in some borrowed snowsuit/fleece bunting so he stayed nice and warm but they were a little short for our tall/long little guy so we added extra socks, leg warmers and boots.  At night we ate at the 59er Diner which was good and fun for Dain to watch all the people and try french fries and hamburger for the first time. (I know it's "bad" food but we don't eat it every day!)   Sorry again about the sideways pictures.  We still can't firgure it out! May have to switch blog sites......

Anyway, Enjoy the pictures:

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