Sunday, August 5, 2012

Camping weekend July 27-29.

Hello again, So a couple weeks ago we took and drive out to the coast for a weekend of tent camping fun.  We had a very good time. The weather was pretty good just a few showers the first day. Dain LOVED the ocean waves and playing on the beach. It's a really wide/deep beach and the water was really shallow so Dain could run in and out of the waves to his heart's content. The first day we were at Grayland State park and the second day we were at Ocean City state park. Both campgrounds were nice. So enjoy the pictures there are quite a few! And here's a video of Dain the first day at the beach. He loved just running and hearing/feeling his little feet slapping in the water. Enjoy!! 

First time in the Pacific Ocean and he wades right in!

Checking out the waves

Chasing the seagulls

Daddy and Dain love the water!


How cute is that little guy! Notice how heavy his diaper is from all the water!

Washing off the mud in a warm puddle.

Day 2, helping Daddy pack up the tent.

Good Morning!
Mommy is here! and I like splashing her!

Afternoon sun is so pretty on the water.

He loved feeling the undertow/current pulling at his legs. His face says it all. He fell a couple times, so cute.

The happy camping, beach going family!


Playing hide and seek in the dune grasses.

Tackled by Daddy!!

Going up.........

Coming down......

The beautiful, big beach.

Chilling with Mom by the campfire.

Day 3,  Enjoying the morning view.

What do I have something on my face?

Well, you do too!

Last time in the waves with Daddy.

Love this stuff......

I can write even though I can't talk yet! j/k!!

Mud, 'nough said.

yeah, Mom I'm tired and ditry but I'm NOT going to fall asleep on the 2 1/2 hr ride home. I promise!

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