Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now that we've moved, what are we doing?

Well, skiing of coure silly!  We bough season passes to the nordic center at Snoqualimie Pass and have been enjoying using them. We have not brough our camera too many times but I do have a few pics to show you.  The one thing I don't like about this year is that it's been so warm here that the lower mountain is soft and slushy so we've been riding the ski lift to get to the higher elevations and tons of trails.  It works out great! So, what's not to like you ask? I DON'T LIKE ski lifts!! But I'm managing and every time I fall while getting off I just get up and dust myself off. Like Nike says in their new commercial it's all about how gets up after they fall right?  HA!  Remember to add one more element of scary to the ski lift is that we are wearing skinny skis! I have a hard enough time wearing the big old down hills skis..... oh well, I haven't dies yet so I guess I'll keep riding the lift to get to the better snow and sunshine!
Here's some of the pics I promised:
Here we are at the Nordic Center.  That's a down hill ski hill not in much use right now because there's not a chairlift in the area at the moment.
Monika goes skiing with us sometimes. Here we are in the car before a day in the snow. 
Here is Grand Junction, a place of rest and food during a day out on the trails.
Tonya out on the trails. Pretty Winter Wonderland!
And one last shot of us!
So now you know we're finding places to play!  Until next time.......

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