Saturday, March 20, 2010

Balmy Winter out here

So you all watched the Olympics, right? At least a little, right? Well, we were pretty much Olympic Junkies out here for those two weeks. The reason I'm mentioning this is that if you watched you know how warm and sometimes goofy the weather was in Vancouver and Whistler. Well, Seattle has been fairing about the same in the weather department. It's WARM!  Now I know it's warmer than my home state of Minnesota and even warmer than my adopted state of Montana but even the Seattlites are saying this winter is really warm.  I mean the Cascade mountains that we can see from our living room have very little snow on them. But are we complaining? Not much really. It's nice to get out and have it feel alittle bit like spring!  We've been out almost every day doing some kind of activity.  Even in the rain, yes! It doesn't rain here like it does in MN, it sort of mists a lot. So I took the following pictures on Feb 9th! Yes, I did!

All these fowers I found right along the streets around our apartment. Just gorgeous. And since I'm posting this soooooo late and it's actually already March 20, the first day of spring you probably don't believe me but it's true! I took these pics on Feb 9th! 

In our neightborhood we also have a few parks that have some great views. On Feb 21 we took a walk to Luther Burbank Park on the northeaster tip of Mercer Island. It was a gorgeous day. I didn't take too many pictures but here are a couple.  Just a rock in the water but you can see a bit of Seattle on the hills in the background. 
Fell in love with this apple or plum tree near the water. So pretty!!
Last but not least had to take a picture of my honey!
Hope you enjoyed! I'll be back with more regular posting now.

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